

1.焦躁 impatient; worried ( comb. 焦- jiāo- anxious; worried):真~死人了 Zhēn jísǐ rén le. be worried to death/ 不要着~ bùyào zháojí Don't worry. ext. 气恼,发怒 irritated; annoyed:没想到他~了 Méi xiǎngdào tā jí le. We didn't expect him to get angry.
2.匆促 hurried; hasty:~~忙忙 jíjí-mángmáng in a hurry; in a haste/ ~就 jíjiù hurriedly finished; finished in a haste/ ~于完成任务 jíyú wánchéng rènwu eager to fulfil a task ext. 迅速,又快又猛 fast; rapid and violent:水流得~ Shuǐ liú de jí. The current is swift./ ~病 jíbìng acute disease
3.迫切,要紧 pressing; urgent:~事 jíshì pressing matter/ 不~之务 bù jí zhī wù business that can wait/ ~件 jíjiàn an urgent document or dispatch ext. 严重 emergent, critical:情况紧~ qíngkuàng jǐnjí The situation is critical./ 告~ gàojí be in a state of emergency; report an emergency./ 病~乱投医(喻临事慌乱) bìng jí luàn tóuyī A person attacked by fatal disease may seek doctors without any regard of their qualifications. (fig. be panic-stricken in case of a plight)
4.对大家的事或别人的困难赶快帮助 be eager to extend help to public affairs or other people's difficulty:~公好义 jígōng-hàoyì zealous for the common weal; public spirit/ ~难 jínàn be anxious to help (those in grave danger)




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