

释义 (義)
1.公正合宜的道理或举动 justice; righteousness, principles or actions that are right or fair ( comb. 正- zhèng- justice):见~勇为 jiànyì-yǒngwéi ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause/ ~不容辞 yìbùróngcí be duty-bound ext. 指合乎正义或公益的 righteous; just:~举 yìjǔ an undertaking in public interests [义务 -wù] 1.应尽的责任 obligation, work sb is expected to do because of his vocation 2.不受报酬的 voluntary:~~劳动 yìwù láodòng voluntary labour
2.感情的联系 friendship ties; relationship:朋友的情~ péngyou de qíngyì friendship; comradeship
3.意义,意思,人对事物认识到的内容 meaning; significance, the idea that one perceives from sth.:定~ dìngyì definition/ 字~ zìyì the meaning of a word/ 歧~qíyì ambiguity; different interpretations
4.指认作亲属的 adopted or adoptive:~父 yìfù adoptive father/ ~子 yìzǐ adopted son ext. 人工制造的(人体的部分) (of a certain part of the body) man-made:~齿(镶上的牙) yìchǐ false tooth (tooth that is artificial)/ ~肢(配上的上肢或下肢)yìzhī artificial limb (made to replace a natural upper or lower limb)




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