释义 |
师(師)shī ㄕ 1.老师,传授知识技能的人 teacher, a person who gives knowledge or skill to sb. ext. 榜样 example; model:前事不忘,后事之~ Qián shì bù wàng, hòu shì zhī shī. The remembrance of the deeds of past ages is the best guide in the future. or By not forgetting past events, one can draw lessons from them. [师傅 -fu]传授技艺的老师和对有实践经验的工人的尊称 master; a term of respect for a person to teach skills, an experienced worker 2.由师徒关系而产生的 of the relations between teachers and students:~兄 shīxiōng senior male fellow apprentice or student; the son of one'smaster older than oneself 3.对擅长某种技术的人的称呼 a form of address for a person skilled in certain profession:工程~ gōngchéngshī engineer/ 医~ yīshī qualified doctor/理发~ lǐfàshī barber; hairdresser 4.仿效 follow the example of; learn from:~法 shīfǎ imitate 5.军队 army; troops:誓~ shìshī take a mass pledge; a rally to pledge resolution before going to war/ 百万雄~ bǎiwàn-xióngshī a million bold warriors 6.军队的编制单位,是团的上一级 division, a unit of division in the troops, bigger than a regiment |