

1.粘结着的东西 something that clings to:锅~ guōbɑ crust
2.〈方 dial.〉粘住,依附在别的东西上 cling to, stick to sth. else:饭~锅了 Fàn bāguō le. The rice stuck to the crust to the pot./ 爬山虎~在墙上 Páshānhǔ bā zài qiángshɑng. The ivy clings to the wall.
3.〈方 dial.〉贴近 be close to; be next to:前不~村,后不~店 qián bù bā cūnr, hòu bù bā diànr with no village ahead and no inn behind i.e. be stranded in an uninhabited area [巴结 -jie]奉承,谄媚 curry favor with; fawn on
4.巴望,盼,期望 look forward to; earnestly wish:~不得马上返回战斗岗位 bābude mǎshàng fǎnhuí zhàndòu gǎngwèi be only too anxious to go back to one's fighting post
5.Ba,古代国名,在今重庆市一带name of an ancient state in the area around present day Chongqing
6.(bɑ)词尾 word 1.在名词后 as the ending of a noun:尾~ wěibɑ tail 2.在动词后 as the ending of a verb:眨~眼 zhǎbɑ yǎn blink; wink/ 试~试~ shìbɑ shìbɑ have a try 3.在形容词后 as the ending of an adjective:干~ gānbɑ shrivelled; withered/ 皱~ zhòubɑ wrinkled
7.压强单位名,符号 b unit of pressure intensity, symbol: b




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