

释义 cuò
1.不正确,不对,与实际不符 incorrect; wrong; erroneous ( comb.-误 -wu error):你弄~了 Nǐ nòng cuò le. You've got it wrong./ 没~儿 méi cuòr I'm quite sure. or You can rest assured. [错觉 -jué]跟事实不符的知觉,视、听、触各种感觉都有错觉 wrong impression; illusion of things. People's sense of feeling, sense of sight, sense of hearing and sense of touch all can have illusions
2.差,坏(用于否定式) (used in negative sentences) bad; poor:今年的收成~不了 Jīnnián de shōucheng cuòbuliǎo. This year's harvest is sure to be good./ 他的身体真不~ Tā de shēntǐ zhēn bùcuò. He is healthy indeed.
3.交叉着 interlocked:~杂 cuòzá mixed; heterogeneous/ ~落 cuòluò scatter and interlock/ ~综复杂 cuòzōng-fùzá intricate; complex/ 犬牙交~ quǎnyá-jiāocuò jigsaw-like; interlocking
4.岔开 alternate:~车 cuòchē one vehicle gives another the right of way/ ~过机会 cuòguo jīhui miss a chance
5. 磨玉的石 jade grindstone: 他山之石,可以为~ Tā shān zhī shí, kěyǐ wéi cuò A stone from other mountain may be used as a jade grindstone, other people's advice maybe for help.




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