

释义 zhǔ
1.主人 master; host 1.权力或财物的所有者 owner of power or property:人民是国家的~人 Rénmín shì guójiā de zhǔrén. The people are the masters of the country./ 物~ wùzhǔ the owner 2.接待客人的人,跟“宾、客”相对 host, a man who receives guests, antonym of "bīn, kè":宾~ bīnzhǔ guests and host/ 东道~ dōngdàozhǔ host 3.事件中的当事人 person concerned in a matter:事~ shìzhǔ the victim of a crime/ 失~ shīzhǔ the owner of the lost property [主观 -guān]1.属于自我意识方面的,跟“客观”相反 subjective, existing only in the mind, antonym of "objective":人类意识属于~~,物质世界属于客观 Rénlèi yìshi shǔyú zhǔguān, wùzhì shìjiè shǔyú kèguān. Man's consciousness belongs to the subjective, while the material world belongs to the objective. 2.不依据客观事物,单凭自己的偏见的 not based on the objective existence but on one's prejudice:他的意见太~~了 Tā de yìjiàn tài zhǔguān le. His ideas are too subjective. 3.属于自身方面的 concerning (or belonging to) oneself:~~努力 zhǔguān nǔlì subjective efforts [主权 -quán]一个国家的独立自主的权力 sovereign rights ( or sovereignty), a country's right to maintain independence and keep the initiative
2.旧社会占有奴隶或雇佣仆役的人 master (of slave(s) or servants of the old society):奴隶~ núlìzhǔ slave owner; slave holder/ ~仆 zhǔ-pú master and servant
3.主张,决定 advocate; decide:~见 zhǔjiàn one's own judgement/ 婚姻自~ hūnyīn zìzhǔ marriage of one's own choice [主席 -xí]1.开会时主持会议的人 chairman (of a meeting) 2.某些国家、国家机关、党派、团体等的领导人 chairman or president of a state, state administration, party, organization, etc [主义 -yì]1.人们对于自然界、社会以及学术、文艺等问题所持的有系统的理论与主张 doctrine, -ism, systematic theory and propositions about problems of nature, society, science, arts, etc:马克思~~ Mǎkèsī zhǔyì Maxism/ 达尔文~~ Dá'ěrwén zhǔyì Darwinism/ 现实~~ xiànshí zhǔyì realism 2.思想作风 style of thought:革命乐观~~ gémìng lèguān zhǔyì revolutionary optimism [主张 -zhāng]对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理 view; position; proposition:我们~~组织专门小组来研究这个问题 Wǒmen zhǔzhāng zǔzhī zhuānmén xiǎozǔ lái yánjiū zhège wèntí. We propose that we form a special team to study the problem./ 心里有~~ xīnli yǒu zhǔzhāng know one's stand
4.最重要的,最基本的 main; primary:~力 zhǔlì main force/ 以预防为~,治疗为辅 Yǐ yùfáng wéi zhǔ, zhìliáo wéi fǔ. put prevention first, and treatment second [主顾 -gù]商店称买货的人 customer; client
5.主持,负主要责任 manage; be in charge of; direct:~办 zhǔbàn direct; sponsor/ ~讲 zhǔjiǎng be the speaker
6.预示 indicate; signify:早霞~雨,晚霞~晴 Zǎoxiá zhǔ yǔ, wǎnxiá zhǔ qíng. Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather.
7.对事情的定见 a definite view about sth.:六神无~ liùshén-wúzhǔ all six vital organs failing to function/ 心里没~ xīnli méizhǔ do not know what to do




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