释义 |
声(聲)shēnɡ ㄕㄥ 1.声音,物体振动时所产生的能引起听觉的波 sound; voice:~如洪钟 shēng rú hóngzhōng have a sonorous voice; with a voice like a great bell/ 大~说话 dà shēng shuōhuà speak in a loud voice [声气 -qì]消息 information:不通~~ bù tōng shēngqì do not exchange information; not be in contact with each other 2.声母,字音开头的辅音,如“报(bào)告(gào)”、“丰(fēng)收(shōu)”里的 b、g、f、sh都是声母 initial of a Chinese syllable, such as b, g, f, sh in bàogào, and fēngshōu. 3.声调(diào),字音的高低升降。参看“调 4.” tone; See "diào 4.". 4.说出来使人知道,扬言 make known; state:~明 shēngmíng state; announce/ ~讨 shēngtǎo denounce; condemn/ ~张 shēngzhāng make public; disclose/ ~东击西 shēngdōng-jīxī make a feint in the east but attack in the west 5.名誉 fame; reputation:~望 shēngwàng prestige; popularity |