

释义 zhōnɡ
1.和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位 center; middle, a point equally distant from all sides:~央 zhōngyāng center; middle/ ~心 zhōngxīn center; core; heart/ 路~ lù zhōng in the middle of a road [中央 -yāng]1.中心的地方 center; central place 2.政党、国家等的最高领导机构 central authorities (of a state, party, etc):党~~ dǎngzhōngyāng the Central Committee of the Party [中人 -rén]为双方介绍买卖、调解纠纷等并做见证的人 middleman; go-between; mediator, a person who introduces business for two sides or acts as a peace maker between opposing sides [人中 rén-]人的上唇正中凹下的地方 philtrum, the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip
2.在一定的范围内,里面 in, among, amidst:空~ kōngzhōng in the air, in the sky/ 房~ fáng zhōng in the room/ 水~ shuǐ zhōng in the water
3.性质、等级在两端之间的 medium; moderate:~等 zhōngděng medium-sized; secondary/ ~学 zhōngxué middle school trans. 不偏不倚 be impartial:~庸 zhōngyōng the golden mean/ 适~ shìzhōng moderate [中子 -zǐ]构成原子核的一种不带电荷的微粒 neutron, a very small piece of matter that is one of the constituents of an atom and carries no electricity
4.表示动作正在进行 in the process of:在研究~ zài yánjiū zhōng be under research; be under study/ 在印刷~ zài yìnshuā zhōng in printing
5.指中国 China:古今~外 gǔjīn-zhōngwài ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign/ ~文 Zhōngwén (the) Chinese (language)
6.适于,合于 suitable; fit for:~看 zhōngkàn be pleasant to the eye/ ~听 zhōngtīng be agreeable to the ear [中用 -yòng]有用,有能力 of use; useful
7.〈方 dial.〉成,行,好 all right; Ok:~不~? ~ Zhōng bù Zhōng? zhōng. Is it all right? All right. or OK. zhònɡ




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