释义 |
坊 fānɡ ㄈㄤ 1.里巷,多用于街巷的名称 lane (usu. in a street or lane name) ext. 街市,市中店铺 downtown streets; shops in downtown streets:~间 fāngjiān in the streets (esp. with reference to bookshops) 2.牌坊,旧时封建统治阶级为旌表“功德”、宣扬封建礼教而建造的建筑物 memorial archway (or gateway), sth. built by the ruling class in memory of a person with merits and virtues in the hope of advocating feudal ethical code:忠孝牌~ zhōngxiào páifāng a memorial archway of loyalty and filial piety fánɡ |