

释义 (國、**囯)ɡuó
1.国家 state; country:保家卫~ bǎojiā-wèiguó protect our homes and defend our country/ ~内 guónèi domestic; home/ 祖~ zǔguó motherland [国家 -jiā]1.阶级统治的工具,是统治阶级对被统治阶级实行专政的暴力组织,主要由军队、警察、法庭、监狱等组成。国家是阶级矛盾不可调和的产物和表现,它随着阶级的产生而产生,也将随着阶级的消灭而自行消亡 state, a tool of the ruling class,it conducts dictatorship against the ruled, being made up by the forces, the police and the court. As the product and expression of uncompromising class contradictions, it was engendered with the engendering of classes and will wither away with the abolition of classes. 2.一个独立的国家政权所领有的区域 the armed territory owned by an independent country [国际主义 -jì zhǔyì]各国无产阶级、劳动人民在民族解放的斗争中互相支持紧密团结在一起的思想 internationalism, the principle of cooperation between different countries in the struggle for national liberation of the proletariat and the working class
2.属于本国的 of the state; of our country; national:~货 guóhuò China-made goods; Chinese goods/ ~歌 guógē national anthem




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