

释义 ɡuì
1.价格高 expensive:这本书不~ Zhè běn shū bù guì. This book is not expensive./ 钢比铁~ Gāng bǐ tiě guì. Steel is more expensive than iron.
2.旧指社会地位高 of a high rank; noble:~族 guì-zú nobility; aristocrat/ 达官~人 dá-guān-guìrén high officials and noble lords 敬辞 term of respect:~姓 guìxìng your surname/ ~处 guìchù your residence/ ~校 guìxiào your school/ ~宾 guìbīn honoured guest; distinguished guest
3.特别好,价值高 highly valued; valuable ( comb. 宝- bǎo- treasured, -重 -zhòng precious):珍~的礼品 zhēnguì de lǐpǐn precious presents/ 宝~的意见 bǎoguì de yìjiàn valuable opinions
4.重视,崇尚 attach importance to:~精不~多 guì jīng bù guì duō be valued for the quality, not for the quantity (or number)/ 这种见义勇为的精神是可~的 Zhè zhǒng jiànyì-yǒngwéi de jīngshén shì kěguì de. The readiness to take up the cudgels for a just cause is very valuable.




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