释义 |
澥xiè ㄒㄧㄝヽ 1.糊状物或胶状物由稠变稀 (of paste, glue, etc. ) become thin from thick:糨糊~了 Jiànghu xiè le. The paste becomes thin. 2.加水使糊状物或胶状物变稀 make paste or glue thin, or thin down paste or glue with water:粥太稠,加点儿水~一~ Zhōu tài chóu, jiā diǎnr shuǐ xiè yī xiè. The porridge is so thick that it needs some water to thin down. 3.[渤澥 bó-]〈古 arch.〉海的别称。也指渤海 another name for sea. Also indicating the Bohai Sea |