释义 |
叶(葉)yè ㄧㄝヽ 1.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)植物的营养器官之一,多呈片状、绿色,长在茎上 leaf; foliage, one of the nourishing organs of a plant, usu. flat and green, growing from a stem or branch:树~ shùyè tree leaves/ 菜~ càiyè vegetable leaves 2.像叶子的 leaf-like things:铜~ tóngyè copper leaf sheet/ 铁~ tiěyè iron leaf sheet 3.同“页” Same as “页” 4.时期 part of a historical period:20世纪中~ èrshí shìjì zhōngyè (in) the middle of the 20th century 5.姓 a surname xié。( |