释义 |
一yī ㄧ 1.数目字,最小的正整数 one, the smallest of positive integers 2.纯,专 concentrated; whole-hearted:~心~意 yīxīn-yīyì heart and soul [一定 -dìng]1.特定 given; particular:~~的政治路线 yīdìng de zhèngzhì lùxiàn a given political line 2.相当的 a certain amount:取得~~的成绩 qǔdé yīdìng de chéngjì make some progress 3.确定不变 fixed; specified:~~按期完成 yīdìng ànqī wánchéng be sure to finish in time 3.满,全 whole; all; throughout:~屋子人 yī wūzi rén a whole room of people/ ~冬 yīdōng throughout the winter/ ~生 yīshēng all one's life 4.相同 same:~样 yīyàng the same/ 大小不~ dàxiǎo bùyī not of the same size 5.另外的 also; otherwise:番茄~名西红柿 Fānqié yīmíng xīhóngshì. Tomato is also known as xīhóngshì. 6.放在重叠的动词中间,表示稍微,轻微 a little, slight, used in the middle of a reduplicated verb, indicating a short occurrence or duration:看~看 kàn yī kàn take a look/ 听~听 tīng yī tīng listen for a moment 7.与“就”呼应 used with jiù, no sooner...than...; the moment...:1.表示两事时间紧接 indicating one action directly after another:天~亮他就起来 Tiān yī liàng tā jiù qǐlɑi. He gets up as soon as the day breaks. 2.表示每逢 whenever; every time; the moment:~想起祖国建设的突飞猛进,就觉着自己的努力太不够了 Yī xiǎngqi zǔguó jiànshè de tūfēi-měngjìn, jiù juézhe zìjǐ de nǔlì tài bùgòu le. Whenever I think of the giant progress of our motherland, I feel that I've done too little. 8.乃,竟 go so far as:~至于此 yīzhìyúcǐ come to such a degree 9.〈古 arch.〉放在“何”字前,表示程度深 used before hé to emphasize degree:~何怒 yī hé nù How angry it was./ ~何悲 yī hé bēi How sad it is. 10.旧时乐谱记音符号的一个,相当于简谱的低音“7 ” a note of the former music scale, corresponding to “7 ” in numbered musical notation |