释义 |
泰tài ㄊㄞヽ 1.平安,安定 safe; peaceful:国~民丰 guótài mínfēng The country is prosperous and the people live in peace./ ~然处之 tàirán-chǔzhī take sth. calmly; bear sth. with equanimity 2.极 extreme; most:~西(旧指欧洲) Tàixī extreme west (in early times referring to the West; the Occident)[泰山 -Shān]1.五岳中的东岳,在山东省 Mount Tai, the Eastern Mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains, in Shandong Province 2. trans. 旧时称岳父 one's wife's father, used in early times |