释义 |
波bō ㄅㄛ 1.江、河、湖、海等因振荡而一起一伏的水面 wave; ripple on the surface of a river, lake, or sea as a result of vibrations or motions ( comb. -浪 -làng wave, -涛 -tāo billows; great waves, -澜 -lán great waves) [波动 -dòng] fig. 事物起变化,不稳定 fluctuate; undulate [波及 -jí] fig. 牵涉到,影响到 spread to; affect 2.物理学上指振动在物质中的传播,是能量传递的一种形式 the spread of vibration in matter, which is a way of energy transmission:光~ guāngbō light wave/ 声~ shēngbō sound wave/ 电~ diànbō electromagnetic wave |