

释义 zhì
1.管理,处理 administer; manage ( comb. -理 -lǐ administer):~国 zhìguó manage state affairs/ ~丧 zhìsāng make funeral arrangements/ 自~ zìzhì autonomy [统治 tǒng-]1.凭借政权来控制、管理国家或地区 control or govern a state or an area with state power 2.占绝对优势,支配别的事物 dominate
2.整理,治理 control; harness (a river):~山 zhìshān transform mountains/ ~水 zhìshuǐ regulate rivers and watercourses/ ~淮工程 zhì Huái gōngchéng the project of harnessing the Huai River
3.惩办 punish ( comb. 惩- chěng- punish):~罪 zhìzuì punish sb (for a crime)/ 处~ chǔzhì penalize
4.医疗 treat (a disease); cure:~病 zhìbìng cure a disease/ 不~之症 bùzhìzhīzhèng an incurable disease ext. 消灭农作物的病虫害 get rid of injurious farm insects:~蝗 zhìhuáng eliminate locusts/ ~蚜虫 zhì yáchóng get rid of aphids
5.从事研究 study; research:~学 zhìxué pursue one's studies
6.社会治理有序,与“乱”相对 (of society) in good order, antonym of "luàn(disorder, confusion)":~世 zhìshì times of peace and prosperity/ 天下大~ tiānxià-dàzhì a well-ordered world [治安 -ān]社会的秩序 public order; public security
7.旧称地方政府所在地 seat of a local government in former times:省~ shěngzhì the seat of a provincial government; provincial capital/ 县~ xiànzhì county seat




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