释义 |
殊shū ㄕㄨ 1.不同 different:特~情况 tèshū qíngkuàng an exceptional case/ ~途同归 shūtú-tóngguī reach the same goal by different routes 2.特殊 special:~荣 shūróng special honours/ ~勋 shūxūn distinguished meritorious service 3.极,很 extremely; very much:~佳 shūjiā very good/ ~可钦佩 shū kě qīnpèi be very admirable 4.断,绝 cut off; sever [殊死 -sǐ]1.古代指斩首的死刑 the death penalty of decapitation in ancient times 2.拼着性命 life-and-death; desperately:~~战斗 shūsǐ zhàndòu fight to the death; put up a desperate fight |