释义 |
蜡(蠟) là ㄌㄚヽ 1.动物、植物或矿物所产生的某些油质,具有可塑性,易熔化,不溶于水,如蜂蜡、白蜡、石蜡等 wax, certain oily substances that are produced by animals, plants, or minerals, such as bees wax, white wax, paraffin wax, etc., have plasticity, can melt easily, and do not dissolve in water 2.蜡烛,用蜡或其他油脂制成的照明的东西,多为圆柱形,中心有捻,可以燃点 candle, a usu. cylindrical stick of wax containing a length of string which gives light when it burns zhà |