

1.模范 model; example:以身作~ yǐshēn-zuòzé set an example with one's own conduct
2.规则,制度,规程 standard; norm; criterion:办事细~ bànshì xìzé detailed rules and regulations in working [法则 fǎ-]事物之间内在的必然的联系。也叫“规律” rule, relationship between cause and effect. Also called guīlu. [四则 sì-]算术里指加、减、乘、除四种方法 the four fundamental operations of arithmetics (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
3.效法 imitate; follow:~先烈之言行 zé xiānliè zhī yánxíng follow the example of the martyrs in words and deeds
4.连词 conj. 1.表示因果关系,就,便 (used to indicate cause, condition, etc):兼听~明,偏信~暗 jiāntīng zé míng, piānxìn zé àn Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted. 2.表示转折,却 (used to indicate concession, contrast, etc.):今~不然 jīn zé bùrán But it is different today. 3.表示两件事在时间上前后相承 (used to indicate one action after another):预备铃一响,~学生陆续走进教室 Yùbèilíng yī xiǎng, zé xuésheng lùxù zǒujìn jiàoshì. When the preparatory bell rings, students go into the classroom one after another.
5.表示肯定判断的词,乃是 (used to indicate affirmative judgement) be:此~余之罪也 cǐ zé yú zhī zuì yě This is my fault.
6.用在一、二、三…等数字后,列举原因或理由 used to list reasons, numbered by one, two, three, etc:一~房子太小, 二~参加的人太多,以致室内拥挤不堪 Yī zé fángzi tài xiǎo, èr zé cānjiā de rén tài duō, yǐzhì shìnèi yōngjǐ bùkān. The room was overcrowded; For one thing the room was too small, for another there were too many attendants.
7.跟“做”义相近,宋、元、明小说戏剧里常用 same as 做 (do), usu. used in novels or plays in the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties:~甚(做什么) zé shèn What for?/ 不~声 bù zéshēng Keep silent.
8.量词,指成文的条数 meas. ( in writing) piece; item:试题三~ shìtí sān zé three examination questions/ 新闻两~ xīnwén liǎng zé two items of news/ 随笔一~ suíbǐ yī zé an informal essay




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