

释义 fēn
1.分开,区划开,跟“合”相反 divide; separate; part; contrary to hé:~离 fēnlí separate/ ~类 fēnlèi classify/ ~工合作 fēngōng hézuò share out the work and help one another/ ~别处理 fēnbié chǔlǐ deal with the cases in different ways ext. 1.由整体中取一部分 allot:他~到了一千斤粮食 Tā fēndàole yīqiān jīn liángshi. He has been alloted one thousand jin of grain 2.由机构分出的部分 branch:~会 fēnhuì branch (of a society, committee; association)/ ~队 fēnduì a troop unit corresponding to the platoon or squad/ ~局 fēnjú branch bureau/ ~社 fēnshè branch agency [分化 -huà]由一种事物演变成几种不同的事物 break up; become divided:“他”字~~成“他”、“她”、“它” Tā zì fēnhuà chéng tā, tā, tā. The character 他 (tā) has three variants: 他, 她, and 它. [分解 -jiě]1.一种化合物分成两种以上的元素或化合物 decompose; resolve 2.调解,排解 mediate; reconcile:~~纠纷 fēnjiě jiūfēn mediate a dispute; reconcile a quarrel/ 难以~~ nán yǐ fēnjiě divert oneself from loneliness or boredom 3.细说 explain in detail:且听下回~~ Qiě tīng xià huí fēnjiě. Wait to listen to the explanation in the next chapter. [分析 -xī]把事物、现象、概念等划分成简单的部分,找出它的本质、属性或相互联系 analyze, separate anything complex such as an object, phenomenon and concept into its parts or elements to find out its nature, property or interrelationships:~~问题 fēnxī wèntí analyze a problem/ 化学~~ huàxué fēnxī chemical analysis
2.分配 allot:~粮食 fēn liángshi allot grains/ ~工作 fēn gōngzuò assign sb a task
3.辨别 distinguish; tell ( comb. -辨 -biàn differentiate):不~青红皂白 bù fēn qīnghóngzàobái make no distinction between right and wrong/ ~清是非 fēnqīng shìfēi draw a distinction between right and wrong
4.表示分数 used in spoken forms of fractions and percentages:二~之一 èr fēn zhī yī one half/ 百~之八 bǎi fēn zhī bā eight percent [分数 -shù]数学中表示除法的式子,画一道横线,把被除数写在线上面叫分子,把除数写在线下面叫分母 a fraction formed by a numerator, a horizontal line and a denominator [分子 -zǐ]1.物体分成的最细小而不失原物性质的颗粒 molecule, the smallest particle into which a substance can be divided without loss of its characteristics:水的一个~~,含有两个氢原子和一个氧原子 Shuǐ de yī ge fēnzǐ, hányǒu liǎng ge qīngyuánzǐ hé yī ge yǎng-yuánzǐ. One molecule of water has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 2.参看[分数 -shù] refer to [分数 -shù] (另 fènzǐ,见“分fèn” Also fènzǐ. See fèn).
5.计量单位名 fen (of the traditional Chinese systems of weights and measures) 1.市制长度,10 分是 1 寸 a unit of length equal to 0.1 cun 2.市制地积,10 分是 1 亩 a unit of area equal to 0.1 mu 3.重量,10 分是 1 钱 a unit of weight equal to 0.1 qian. 4.币制,10 分是 1 角 cent, a unit of money, equal to 0.1 jiao 5.时间,60 分是 1 小时 minute, equal to one sixtieth of an hour 6.圆周或角,60 分是 1 度 minute, equal to one sixtieth of a degree of angle or arc. 7.(-儿 -r)表示成绩 point; mark:赛篮球赢了三~ Sài lánqiú yíngle sān fēn. score three points in a basketball match/ 考试得了一百~ kǎoshì déle yībǎi fēn get 100 marks in the examination 8.利率,月利一分按百分之一计算,年利一分按十分之一计算 a unit of interest rate, reck-oned in terms of a monthly interest rate of 1? and a yearly interest rate of 1/10 [分寸 -cùn] fig. 说话或办事的适当标准或限度 proper limits for speech or action; sense of properiety:说话要有~~ Shuōhuà yào yǒu fēncùn. should have a sense of propriety when speaking; know what to say and what not to say fèn




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