

[variant pronunciation for 上2 shàng II] 〈简〉 上声 shăngshēng
[as aux. , after a verb]
1   up:
 跑上楼 run upstairs
 登上山顶 reach the summit
 飞上蓝天 soar into the sky
 踏上非洲的土地 set foot on African soil
2   [indicating the attainment of an objective]:
 锁上门 lock the door; lock up
 买上电视机了 have bought a TV
 她当上会计了。 She's become an accountant.
 你跟他接上头了吗? Have you got in touch with him?
3   [indicating that an action has started]:
 她爱上了我。 She's fallen in love with me.
 会还没有开,大家就议论上了。 The meeting has not begun yet, but they are already talking about the matter.
4   [indicating an amount, value, or extent reached or to be reached]:
 我要能在北京多住上几天才好呢! If only I could stay a few more days in Beijing!
 我们没说上几句话车就开了。 We had barely enough time to exchange a few words before the train started.
[after a noun]
1   on:
 脸上 on one's face
 山顶上 at the mountaintop
2   within (a certain area):
 会上 at the meeting
 课堂上 in class
 世界上 in the world
3   in (some aspect):
 理论上 in theory; theoretically
 历史上 in history
 事实上 in fact
 在数量上占优势 excel in numbers
4   at (the age of):
 他五岁上死了父亲。 His father died when he was five years old.
 张大爷六十岁上得了孙子。 Uncle Zhang got his first grandson at sixty
I top; high place; higher position —
1   [used alone, esp. in contrast to 下]:
 上不封顶 impose no ceiling
 上至国家主席,下至普通百姓 from the state president down to the common people
 这个词是旧时下对上的称呼。 This word was used in the old days to address one's superiors.
2   [after a preposition]:
 往上看 look up (at sth. )
 向上拉 pull it up
 这头朝上 this side up
 向上反映情况 report the situation to the higher-ups
1   upper; higher; better; superior:
 上臂 upper arm
 上半截 upper half
 在书架的最上一层 on the top shelf
 中上水平 above the average; better than the average
 报上一级党委 report to the Party committee immediately above
2   most recent; last; former:
 上次 last time
 上两批 the last two groups
 上星期四 last Thursday
 上一季度 the previous quarter
3   first (of sth. divided into two or three parts):
 上集 Volume I; Part I
 上一段 the preceding (or above, foregoing) paragraph
 上半学期 the first half of the term
 二十世纪上半叶 the first half of the 20th century
 这部词典分上 、中、下三册。 This dictionary is in three volumes, first, second, and third.
4   〈旧〉 [referring to the emperor]  上谕
1   come (or go) up; ascend:
 上岸 go ashore
 上楼 go (or come) upstairs; ascend the stairs
 上山 go (or climb) up a mountain
 上一个台阶 reach a higher level
 溯流而上 sail (or go) upstream
2   get on (a conveyance); mount; board:
 上船 go aboard a ship; go on board
 上飞机 board a plane
 上公共汽车 get on a bus
3   go to; leave for:
 上厕所 go to toilet
 你上哪儿? Where are you going?
 我明天上南京。 I'm leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.
4   be engaged (in work, study, etc. ) at a fixed time:
 上机 use the computer
 上哨 go on sentry
 我今天上中班。 I'm on the middle shift today.
 她上大学了。 She's now in college.
 明天的语文课还上不上? Shall we have our Chinese lessons tomorrow or not?
5   advance; forge ahead; go ahead:
 见困难就上 advance where there are difficulties to overcome
 快上,投篮! Go ahead. Quick! Shoot!
6   improve; increase:
 上品种 increase the variety of products
 上质量 improve the quality of products
7   【体】 enter the court (or field):
 换人! 三号下,四号上。 Substitution: Player No. 4 for No. 3.
 这一盘你上。 You play this game.
8   fill; supply; serve:
 请给我们上点儿茶。 Will you please serve us with some tea?
9   place sth. in position; fix:
 上刀具 fix a cutting tool
 我正在上螺丝呢。 I'm fixing the screws in place.
10   apply; paint; smear:
 上药膏 apply ointment
 给门窗上漆 paint the door and windows
 给机器上油 oil (or grease) the machine
11    apply for:
 上牌照 apply for a license
12    be put on record; be carried (in a publication):
 上《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》get into the Guinness Book of Records
 小王的先进事迹上了电视。 Xiao Wang's model deeds have been reported on TV.
13    wind; screw; tighten:
 表该上了。 The watch needs winding. 螺丝没有上紧。 The screw hasn't been tightened.
14    be up to; as many as:
 上百辆小汽车 up to a hundred cars  出席人数已上万。 There are as many as ten thousand present. or There is an attendance of 10 000 or so.
15    [ in stage directions] appear on the stage; enter:
 二战士左上。 Enter left two soldiers.
II 〈简〉 上声 shàngshēng
【乐】 note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation




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