1 (-//-) pass through; get past; traverse: |
| 电流通过导线。 Electricity passes through the wires. |
| 她通过了入学考试。 She passed the entrance examination. |
| 代表们通过大厅进入会场。 The delegates went through the lobby into the assembly hall. or The delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby. |
| 火车通过大桥向南奔去。 The train crossed the bridge heading south. |
| 路太窄,汽车通不过。 The road is too narrow for cars to get by (or pass through). |
| 要打开局面,就必须通过这一关。 We must overcome this obstacle to begin a new phase in our work. |
| 注意交通安全,一慢二看三通过。 Pay attention to traffic safety; slow down, look around, and then proceed. |