

1   pass through; seep through; penetrate:
 透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to get at the essence
 这双鞋不透水。 These shoes are waterproof.
 血从绷带里透了出来。 Blood seeped out through the bandage.
 阳光透过窗户照进来。 Sunlight came in through the windows.
 这个手钻钻不透这种钢板。 This hand drill cannot penetrate the steel plate.
 爱克斯光能透过肌体检查病变。 X-rays can pass through the human body and show internal pathological changes.
2   tell secretly; let out; reveal:
 透消息 tell sb. news on the quiet
 这次谈判一点儿情况也没透出来。 Little was revealed about the talks.
 只听他透了一词半句的,详细情况还不清楚。 I only heard the bits and pieces he let out, the details are still unknown.
3   appear; show:
 白里透红 white touched with red
 他脸上透出幸福的微笑。 A happy smile appeared on his face.
 她的一双大眼睛透着机灵。 Her large eyes show intelligence.
II fully; completely; thoroughly:
 恨透 be full of hatred for sb. ; bitterly hate
 火透了 be in a terrible fury
 道理讲得很透 thoroughly explain one's reasons; drive the point home
 对问题了解得很透 have an intimate knowledge of the subject; know the subject inside out
 桃熟透了。 The peaches are quite ripe.
 雨下透了。 It was a real good soaker.
 天已经黑透了。 It was completely dark.
 我笨透了,第一次测试都没通过。 I was stupid enough to have failed the first test.
 我猜不透他在想什么。 I can't make out what really is in his mind.
 这个谱子我记得熟透了。 I have the score down pat. or I know the music really well.
 她这样惹母亲生气,真是不懂事透了。 She's a very thoughtless girl to upset her mother like that.




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