名 price: |
| 价格倒挂 reverse of price |
| 价格反弹 price rebound |
| 价格公道 with reasonable price |
| 价格欺诈 pricing fraud |
| 标明价格 mark (goods) with a price tag; have goods clearly priced |
| 放开价格 relax price control; decontrol price |
| 价格战 price war |
| 价格标签 price tag |
| 价格波动 price fluctuation |
| 价格补贴 price subsidies (from the state) |
| 价格操纵 price manipulation (or rigging) |
| 价格杠杆 lever of price |
| 价格管理 price control |
| 价格机制 price mechanism |
| 价格竞争 price competition |
| 价格理论 pricing theory |
| 价格上限 price ceiling |
| 价格弹性 price elasticity |
| 价格套利 price arbitrage |
| 价格体系 system of pricing |
| 价格下限 price floor |
| 价格政策 price policy |
| 价格指数 price index |
| 价格剪刀差 price scissors |
| 价格双轨制 two-tier pricing system (where official and market prices are different) |
| 价格听证会 public price hearings |
| 价格浮动范围 price-float range |