副 just right: |
| 性格恰好相反 just the opposite in personality |
| 警察恰好这时赶到。 The police arrived in the nick of time. |
| 距离恰好是五十米。 The distance is exactly 50 metres. |
| 您穿的尺码的鞋我们恰好有。 We have shoes just in your size. |
| 我们赶到电影院,售票处恰好还有两张票。 We got to the cinema just in time to buy the last two tickets left at the box office. |
| 我在那儿住了恰好十四个月。 I lived there for 14 months to the day. |
| 我正要出去,恰好王先生来找我。 I was about to leave when Mr. Wang came to see me. |
| 这块布恰好够做一件衬衣。 This piece of cloth is just the right length for a shirt. |