动 build; construct: |
| 建设摊子过大 overextended scale of construction |
| 城乡建设 urban and rural development |
| 党的建设 party building |
| 国家建设 national reconstruction |
| 思想建设 ideological education |
| 组织建设 organizational building |
| 作风建设 cultivation of a fine work style |
| 加强连队建设 strengthen the Army at company level |
| 一万多人的建设大军 a work force of more than 10 000 |
| 建设部 Ministry of Construction |
| 建设成本 construction cost |
| 建设公债 public bonds for construction |
| 建设项目 construction project |
| 建设周期 construction cycle |
| 建设资金 construction fund |
| 建设经济学 economics of construction |