动 help; give (or lend) a hand; do a favour; do a good turn: |
| 帮忙儿把这封信寄一下好吗? Will you mail this letter for me? |
| 请你帮个忙。 Will you give me a hand? or Please help me out. |
| 他帮不上我什么忙。 There's not much he can do to help me. |
| 他帮过我们的忙。 He once did us a good turn. |
| 他帮了大忙。 He's been a great help. or He's given a lot of help. |
| 他来找人帮忙儿。 He came for help. |
| 我能帮什么忙吗? Can I be of any assistance? or How can I help? |
| 我要请她帮忙儿。 I'll ask her to help. |