字词 | 情报 |
释义 | 情报 名intelligence; information 一份情报a bit/piece of information 传递情报pass on information 传送情报send information to 刺探情报pry for information; dig out information 核查情报check up on the information 获得情报get/obtain/extract/elicit the information (from); possess oneself of the information 骗取情报coax information 窃取秘密情报steal secret information 收到大量情报receive a great amount of intelligence 收买军事情报buy military information/intelligence (from) 搜集情报dig up/collect/find/gather/glean information/intelligence 提供情报give/furnish/supply/offer information; provide sb with information 透露情报tip off information 泄露情报disclose/divulge/leak information 主动提供情报volunteer information 情报部门intelligence service 情报官员intelligence officer 情报机构intelligence; information-gathering machinery 情报机关intelligence agency 情报系统intelligence channel 情报人员intelligence personnel; intelligence agent 反情报措施counter-intelligence measures 工业情报industrial intelligence 机密情报confidential information 技术/商业情报technical/commercial information 假/真情报false/genuine intelligence 绝密情报highly/strictly confidential information; top-secret information 科技情报scientific and technological information 据我们掌握的情报,那些间谍打算不久后离开这个国家。Our intelligence is that the spies plan to leave the country soon. 他是做情报工作的。He works in intelligence. / He is in intelligence. 情报处 名intelligence office; information section 情报检索 名information retrieval (IR) 情报检索系统information retrieval system 情报检索显示器information retrieval display 情报局 名information/intelligence department/bureau 美国中央情报局局Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 情报网 名intelligence network 情报学 名informatics; information technology/science 情报员 名intelligence agent 潜伏(暂不活动)的情报员sleeper; sleeper intelligencer; sleeper agent |
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