字词 | 干净 |
释义 | 干净 形neat and tidy; clean; fresh 爱干净be clean in one's person; be a clean person; be cleanly 把厨房打扫干净clean up the kitchen; sweep the kitchen clean; give the kitchen a good cleaning 把毛巾洗干净wash the towel clean 饭后把饭桌收拾干净clear off the table after dinner 擦干净rub/scrub sth clean 把黑板擦干净clean off a blackboard 用手绢把嘴擦干净scrub one's mouth with a handkerchief 说话嘴不干净have a foul mouth; be foul-mouthed 干净衣服clean clothes 把敌人消灭干净wipe out the enemy 他手脚有点儿不干净。He has sticky/itchy fingers. 嘴巴干净点儿!Keep your language clean! 形with nothing left; all gone 把敌人消灭干净wipe out the enemy 形(of what one says and behaves) clear-cut 他文笔干净。He is very concise in writing. 干净穿孔 名计算机clean hole punching 干净核弹 名军事clean nuclear bomb 干净利落 熟 clean; neat; crisp; efficient 办事干净利落be neat in everything one does 处理问题干净利落solve problems with speed and address 讲话干净利落have a crisp style of delivery 干净利落的表演crisp performance 干净利落的发球clean serve 雇主都喜欢干净利落的雇员。Employers like efficient employees. 那位工人活儿干得干净利落。The worker did a clean job. / The worker did the job efficiently. 干净区 名计算机clean area/band 干净声道 名工程clean track 干净武器 名军事clean weapon |
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