字词 | 场 |
释义 | 场 名level open space (often used as a threshing ground) 翻场turn the crops over on the threshing ground for better sunning or threshing 光场prepare a smooth, level ground for threshing 看场keep watch at the threshing ground 碾场spread the harvested crops on the ground and thresh with a stone roller 扬场do winnowing on the threshing ground 场院打场晒场 名方country fair; market 赶场 量spell; period 场 名place used for a particular purpose 斗牛场bullring; arena for bullfighting 火箭发射场rocket launching site 货物堆放场goods yard 击剑场fencing strip/terrain 垃圾倾倒场rubbish/refuse dump; dumping ground for refuse/rubbish 铁路编组场marshalling yard 铁路调车场rail/railway yard 阅兵场parade ground 足球场football ground/field/pitch 高尔夫球场golf course/links 靶场操场 名site; spot; scene 不在场be absent from the scene 犯罪现场scene of the crime 休假场所holiday site/spot 施工现场construction site 当场逢场作戏 名stage; sports arena/ground; field; pitch; stadium 踢球出场kick the ball out of the field 运动员入场。Athletes march into/enter the sports field/arena. 出场登场上场 名show; game; competition; contest; match; tournament [the duration of a performance or game] 开场终场 量 [used for sports and recreation] 一场电影a film show 一场球赛a match; a ball game 一场音乐会a concert 加演几场put on/give extra/more performances 他的演出场场爆满。He played to an overflowing/a full house at every performance. / There was a houseful of spectators for each of his shows. [used for a division of an act in a play] scene 第二幕第一场Act II, SceneⅠ 量[used for small section in one act] scene 名farm; field 牧场农场渔场 名物理field 磁场电场 场院 场波 场场满座 场磁铁 场次 场地 场地有限 场电流 场电路 场房 场馆 场滚 场合 场激励 场激励电源 场激励器 场记 场界灯 场景 场粒子 场论 场面 场面话 场面人 场面上 场内交易 场能 场能密度 场偏转 场偏转电极 场偏转振荡器 场频 场频脉冲 场频锁定/调节 场强 场强变化 场强测量仪 场强分布 场强计 场所 场外 场外交易 场外交易经纪人 场外交易商 场外交易市场 场外交易销售 场外交易证券 场外指导 场位移 场屋 场效应 场效应变阻器 场效应电容器 场效应二极管 场效应晶体管 场长 场致电离 场致发光 场致发射 场子 |
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