字词 | 不可 |
释义 | 不可 助cannot; should not; must not 不可剥夺的权利inalienable rights 不可撤回的诉状irrevocable indictment/complaint 不可兑换债券irredeemable bond 不可改正的错误irredeemable error 不可更改的决定irrevocable decision 不可违背的自然规律infrangible laws of nature 不可小看must on no account be taken lightly 不可预测unpredictable 不可治愈的疾病incurable disease 他的前途不可限量。He has a brilliant future before him. 他这人不可交。He's not somebody to make friends with. 做事情不可半途而废。Never do things by halves. 助[used in非…不可]must; have to 非去不可must go 她很喜欢这件衣服,非买不可。She's taken a great fancy to the dress and simply must buy it. 这事儿非他不可。Nobody except him can manage it. / Only he can manage it. 不可避免 熟 inevitable; unavoidable 不可避免的错误unavoidable mistake 不可避免的结局inevitable end 不可避免的事故inevitable accident 不可辩驳 熟 irrefutable 不可辩驳的事实irrefutable facts 不可多得 熟 rare; exceptional; hard to come by 不可多得的机遇rare opportunity 我的秘书的确是个不可多得的人才。My secretary is a real treasure/talent. 不可告人 熟 not to be divulged; hidden; shady 不可告人的勾当sinister trick/intrigues; covert malice 不可告人的秘密secret to be closely kept/guarded 不可告人的目的ulterior purpose 我的建议没有什么不可告人的动机。There was no ulterior motive in my suggestion. 不可更新资源 名nonrenewable resources 不可估量 熟 inestimable; incalculable; immeasurable; beyond estimation 不可估量的损失/影响immeasurable loss/influence 不可或缺 熟 indispensable; essential; necessary; requisite; imperative 不可或缺的条件indispensable condition 氧气是生命所不可或缺的。Oxygen is indispensable to life. 不可救药 熟 be incurable/hopeless/incorrigible; past/beyond remedy; beyond correction/redemption/recovery; irreparable; inveterate; irredeemable; untreatable; terminal 认为不可救药reckon (sb) beyond redemption 这个病人已经不可救药了。The patient has no chance for recovery. 有些腐败分子已经不可救药了。Some corrupt officials are beyond remedy/reform. 不可开交 熟 [used after得as a complement to indicate an insoluble or endless state of affairs] be locked in; be tied up 打得不可开交be locked in a fierce fight 忙得不可开交have one's hands full; be awfully busy; be up to one's ears in work; be swamped with work 闹得不可开交be in the thick of a row; keep up an ear-splitting clamour 争得不可开交be entangled in a heated and prolonged argument; be locked in a debate 她既要做饭、写作,又要经营农场,忙得不可开交。Between cooking, writing and running the farm, she was very busy indeed. 不可抗拒 熟 inexorable; irresistible; overpowering; compelling; inescapable; overwhelming 不可抗拒的规律inexorable law 不可抗拒的历史潮流irresistible trend of history 不可抗拒的诱惑irresistible temptation 不可抗力 名force majeure; irresistible force; act of God 不可抗力免责force majeure exception 不可抗力条款force majeure clause 不可理喻 熟 be impervious/impenetrable/immune to reason; defy rational analysis; be unreasonable 他蛮横到了极点,简直不可理喻。He is so impervious that he won't listen to reason. 不可名状 熟 defy description; be indescribable; beyond description 不可名状的痛苦nameless anguish 其罪行不可名状。His crimes are beyond description. 不可磨灭 熟 indelible; ineffaceable 不可磨灭的丰功伟绩ineffaceable meritorious deeds 不可磨灭的历史篇章indelible chapter in history 不可磨灭的印象everlasting impression 不可逆转 不可偏废 熟 cannot do one thing and neglect the other; not overemphasize one to the neglect/exclusion of the other 健康和工作二者不可偏废。Neither health nor work should be overemphasized to the neglect of the other. 不可企及 熟 matchless; inimitable; unattainable; beyond one's powers to attain/emulate 不可收拾 熟 unmanageable; irremediable; out of control/hand; beyond control 乱得不可收拾。It's a hopeless mess. 局势急剧恶化,已经不可收拾。The situation has deteriorated rapidly and has become unmanageable. / The situation has gone rapidly from bad to worse and is now out of control. 那里的情况一团糟,已经到了不可收拾的地步。Things are in a mess there and are getting out of control/hand. 不可思议 熟 be inconceivable/incredible/unimaginable; beyond comprehension; cannot be imagined 不可思议的事件occurrence beyond conception 不可同日而语 熟 cannot be mentioned in the same breath; there's no comparison between them; be disparate 不可望其项背 熟 be not fit to hold a candle to (sb); fall far behind; be not on a par with; be not in the same league with 不可限量 熟 be boundless/limitless/very promising 前途不可限量have boundless prospects; have a bright future before one 不可向迩 熟 inaccessible; unapproachable; unreachable; cannot be approached 不可小觑 熟 not to be despised; not to be looked down upon 不可小觑的力量a force to be reckoned with 不可一世 熟 be/ride on the high horse/ropes; be overwhelmingly arrogant; think oneself unexcelled in the world; be high and mighty; be overbearing 摆出一副不可一世的架势put on an air of extreme arrogance 盛气凌人,不可一世act high-and-mighty 不可一世的神情air of haughty aloofness 不可再生 形unrenewable 不可再生能源unrenewable sources of energy 不可造次 熟 must not be hasty/rash; behave yourself; mind one's P's and Q's; think before you act 不可终日 熟 unable to carry on even for a single day; unable to last a single day; on tenterhooks all day long; in an anxious or a worried state of mind 惶惶不可终日 不可转让 形nonnegotiable; nontransferable; non-alienable; unassignable 不可转让单据/债券nonnegotiable documents/securities 不可转让的权利exclusive rights 不可转让信用证nontransferable letter of credit 不可转让的义务unassignable duty 不可转让支票nonnegotiable cheque 不可捉摸 熟 hard to grasp; difficult to ascertain; subtle; unpredictable 不可捉摸的性格subtle temperament; elusive character |
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