字词 | 啊 |
释义 | 啊 叹[used to express surprise or admiration] ah; O; oh 啊,打雷了!Oh, it's thundering! 啊,是小王,快进来。Ah, Xiao Wang. Come on in. áǎàɑ 啊 叹[used to press for an answer] well 啊?你倒是同意不同意呀?Well, do you agree or not? āǎàɑ 叹[used to ask for a repetition of sth just said] eh; what 啊?你说什么?Eh? What did you say? “你看见那本指南了吗?” “啊?” “看见那本指南了吗?”'Have you seen that guide book?' 'What?' 'Seen that guide book?' āǎàɑ 啊 叹[used to express puzzled surprise] ah; aha; what 啊?他还没来啊!What! He still hasn't come yet? āáàɑ 啊 叹[used to express agreement or compliance] ah 啊,好吧。Well, OK. āáǎɑ 叹[used to express sudden realization] ah; aha; O; oh; well 啊,我现在明白了。Ah, I understand now. 啊,原来是你,怪不得看着面熟哇!Ah, it's you! No wonder you look so familiar. āáǎɑ 叹[used to express admiration or surprise] ah; O; oh 啊,多漂亮的礼物!Oh, what a lovely gift! 啊,伟大的祖国!O! Our great motherland! āáǎɑ 啊 助[used at the end of a sentence to express appreciation] 多好的天儿啊 !What a nice day! āáǎà 助[used at the end of a sentence to express agreement, defensiveness, urge, etc] 快去 啊 !Hurry up! 你可要小心 啊!Do be careful! 我没有去是因为我有事 啊。I didn't go because I had some other arrangement. 这话说得是 啊。What you said is quite reasonable. āáǎà 助[used at the end of a sentence to express doubt] 你吃不吃 啊 ?Are you going to eat or not? 你这说的是真的 啊 ?Is that so? āáǎà 助[used to indicate a pause to draw attention] 这些年 啊 ,我们的日子越过越好啦!Over the past few years, things have been getting better and better for us. āáǎà 助[used in enumerat-ing items] 书 啊 ,杂志 啊 ,摆满了书架。The bookshelf is filled with all sorts of books, magazines, etc. āáǎà 啊哈 啊呀 啊哟 |
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