字词 | 雾 |
释义 | 雾 名fog; mist 一场大雾a heavy fog 一团雾a cloud/mass of fog 雾中开车drive in a fog 晨雾morning fog 尘雾dust fog 浓雾dense/heavy/thick/swirling fog 多雾的天气foggy weather 因雾停运的机场/港口fog-bound airport/harbour 因雾滞留的乘客fog-bound passenger 雾变浓了。The fog thickened. 雾散了。The fog lifted/dispersed/cleared. 起雾了。The fog has come down/on. 当时大雾弥漫。Fogs prevailed at the time. 机场因雾关闭。The airport was fogged in. / The airport was fog-bound. 太阳驱散了薄雾。The sun dispelled the mist. 雾气腾云驾雾云雾 名fine spray 喷雾器 雾霭 雾标 雾沉沉 雾灯 雾堤 雾滴 雾都 雾号 雾虹 雾化 雾化的燃料油 雾化粉 雾化器 雾化燃烧器 雾化室 雾化状态 雾化作用 雾件 雾里看花 雾霾 雾茫茫 雾茫茫的大海/山谷 雾蒙蒙的天空 雾气 雾凇 雾凇雾 雾锁迷障 雾锁深山 雾腾腾 雾天 雾消云散 雾中开车 |
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