字词 | 跌 |
释义 | 跌 动fall; tumble 跌了一跤have a fall 跌入河中fall/tumble into a river 从马上跌下come/fall off a horse 孩子从床上跌了下来。The child fell out of the bed. 跌倒 动(of prices, output, etc) drop; fall 跌至新低fall to a new low 跌至第二位dip to second place 跌至七年来的最低点plunge/tumble to a 7-year low 跌至1,300点以下slip below 1,300 points 美元下跌。The US dollar tumbled. 物价猛跌。Prices fall heavily/sharply. 金价跌了2%。The price of gold went down two per cent. 房价一时不会跌到目前的价格以下。The price of houses is not likely to fall below the present level for some time to come. 下跌 动drop 跌水 跌膘 跌打损伤 跌宕 跌荡 跌倒 跌跌撞撞 跌份 跌幅 跌价 跌价损失 跌跤 跌了个狗吃屎 跌了一跤 跌落 跌落马下 跌趴在地上 跌破下限 跌入河中 跌伤 跌伤膝盖 跌势 跌水 跌停 跌停板 跌眼镜 跌至1,300点以下 跌至第二位 跌至七年来的最低点 跌至新低 跌足 跌足长叹 跌足捶胸 跌宕不羁 |
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