字词 | 纵 |
释义 | 纵 形[geographically speaking] vertical; longitudinal; lengthwise; from north to south; from south to north 排成纵队line up in columns 京广铁路纵贯南北。The Beijing-Guangzhou railway runs from north to south through China. 纵贯纵横 形[in space] from the front to the rear 纵剖面the vertical section 纵深 形from the ancient times to the present; since ancient times 中国历史纵观a general review of the history of China 形vertical; longitudinal; lengthwise 纵横交错纵剖面 形from the leadership to the grass roots 纵向 形方creased; crumpled 动方knit/contract one's brows; frown 名简称[used as a military unit] equivalent to an army; column; corps 纵队 纵 动release; free; set free 纵虎归山欲擒故纵 动indulge; let loose; let oneself go; connive 动jump up; leap 纵 连even though; even if 纵有巧妇也难为无米之炊。No one in this world can make something out of nothing. 纵有天大的本事在这里也难以施展。One will become a lame duck here even if he has been proved to be the most competent somewhere else. 纵波 纵步 纵步向前走去 纵敌贻患 纵断面 纵队 纵队队形 纵隔 纵隔炎 纵观 纵观全局 纵观时势 纵贯 纵贯全国的铁路 纵横 纵横捭阖 纵横驰骋 纵横驰骤 纵横家 纵横交错 纵横交错地架设在乡间的电缆 纵横交错的水渠 纵横字谜 纵虎归山 纵火 纵火案 纵火犯 纵火焚烧大楼 纵酒 纵览 纵览古今 纵览群书 纵览四周 纵令 纵论 纵论改革的成败 纵论天下大事 纵目 纵目骋怀 纵目远眺 纵剖面 纵切面 纵情 纵情的大笑 纵情歌唱 纵情欢笑 纵情嬉笑 纵情享乐 纵情享用 纵然 纵容 纵容暴力 纵容某种行为 纵容子女的父母 纵容罪行 纵射 纵深 纵身 纵深防御 纵身上马 纵身一跳 纵深阻截 纵声 纵声大笑 纵声歌唱 纵使 纵视图 纵谈 纵谈科技进步给人类带来的好处 纵眺 纵眺黄河入海 纵向 纵向轨枕 纵向照明 纵意熙怡 纵欲 纵欲过度 纵欲无度 纵轴 纵恣 纵坐标 |
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