

字词 确定
definite; certain; sure
确定的答复definite/determinate answer/reply
确定的结论an incontestable conclusion
确定的日期definite/fixed date
确定的时间fixed/set time
确定吗?Are you sure?
determine; define; fix; ascertain
确定地层年代ascertain the ages of the strata
确定革命运动的方向和任务define the direction and tasks of the revolution
确定工作decide on a job
确定候选人名单decide on the list of candidates
确定会议宗旨define the aims of the conference
确定婚期fix (on) the date for one's wedding; set a wedding day
确定价格fix/set a price
确定开会的时间和地点determine/fix the time and place for the meeting
确定两国边界define the border/boundary between the two nations
确定领海宽度delimit the extent of territorial waters
确定目标determine an objective; set an aim/a goal
确定权限define the competence (of); define sb's powers
确定人选decide on the candidates
确定任务set the tasks
确定日期decide on/set/fix/determine a date (for sth)
确定时限fix a time frame
确定新纲领decide on a new programme
确定行动方针decide on a course of action
确定政策determine a policy
确定政治路线determine a political line
确定作战方案decide on a battle plan
警察尚不能确定凶手的身份。The police are still uncertain of the murderer's identity.
尚未确定决赛日期。No date has been set for the finals.
他们已经确定关系了。They've agreed to marry.
我的计划现在已经完全确定My plans are now perfectly defined.
这次会议确定了一系列新的方针和政策。The meeting defined a series of new principles and policies.
sure beyond doubt; certain; doubtless; absolutely positive
有一件事是确定无疑的,他不会来。One thing is sure/certain: he won't come.
这是确定无疑的。There is no doubt about it.




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