字词 | 清洁 |
释义 | 清洁 形clean 保持清洁keep sth clean 注意清洁卫生pay attention to sanitation and hygiene 清洁用具cleaning materials (医院)清洁室clean room 个人清洁personal cleaning/hygiene 整齐清洁clean and tidy 他自己做清洁工作。He did all the cleaning himself. 清洁袋 名rubbish bag 清洁队 名cleaning squad 清洁工 名(street) cleaner; sanitation worker 街道清洁工street cleaner/sweeper 垃圾清洁工refuse collector; dustman; garbage man/collector 旅馆清洁工hotel cleaner 清洁女工cleaning woman; cleaner maid 清洁剂 名cleaner; cleanser; detergent 皮革清洁剂leather cleaner 清洁剂分解油污。A cleaning agent dissolves grease stains. 清洁能源 名clearer energy; clean energy 清洁燃料 名clean fuel 清洁生产 名clearer production; environment-friendly production; clean production 清洁提单 名商业clean bill of lading |
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