字词 | 消除 |
释义 | 消除 动eliminate; remove; dispel; clear up 消除不良影响counteract a bad influence; efface the unfavourable impression; eliminate the bad effect (of) 消除错误的想法dispel a false idea 消除对抗resolve a confrontation 消除分歧eliminate differences; melt away/iron out/hammer out/smooth over the differences; resolve disagreements 消除腐败stamp out/clear up corruption 消除隔阂bridge the gap (between); explain away misunderstanding 消除顾虑/烦恼dispel misgivings/worries 消除怀疑/疑虑remove sb's suspicions/doubts 消除恐惧remove/quell sb's fears 消除流言dispel a rumour 消除疲劳allay tiredness 消除偏见banish/dissipate prejudice 消除贫困eliminate poverty; wipe out poverty 消除歧视/饥饿eradicate discrimination/hunger 消除社会差别level social differences 消除思想上的恐惧free sb's mind of fears 消除误会iron out misunderstandings; clear up misunderstandings 消除眼袋remove eyebags 消除隐患remove/obviate/eliminate a hidden danger 消除怨恨allay sb's resentment 消除噪声abate/muffle the noise 国际消除贫困日International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 通过睡眠消除疲劳sleep off/away one's fatigue 我们的分歧消除了。Our differences melted away. 双方应该开诚布公地谈谈,这样日后就不用再去消除隔阂了。Both parties should be willing to have a frank conversation, it could save everyone from clearing the air later on. 消除半衰期 名half life of elimination 消除静电 名物理electrostatic elimination; elimination of static electricity |
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