字词 | 来 |
释义 | 来 动come 来客人have some guests 新来的newcomer 到这儿来!Come here! 公共汽车来了。Here comes the bus. 上个月他给我来过一封信。He sent/wrote me a letter last month. 邮件来了吗?Is the mail in? 有空来玩。Come round when you have time. 来往 形future; coming; next 来年来日继往开来 名[used after a time expression, indicating a period of time that extends from the past to this moment] 别来无恙近来向来 动(of problems, etc) come; occur; arise 动 [used after a verb or verbal expression] come in order to do sth 老师看望大家来了。Our teacher has come to visit us. 他们贺喜来了。They've come to extend their congratulations. 我向大家学习来了。I've come to learn from you. [used before a verb or a verbal expression] will/shall do sth 你去弹琴,我来唱歌。You play the piano and I will sing the song. 让他先来说两句。Let him say a few words first. 我来讲个故事。Let me tell you a story. 动[used as a substitute for a verb so as to avoid repetition] 动[used after another verb or verbal phrase to indicate the movement towards the speaker] 动[used after a verb to indicate the result or estimation] 动[used between a verbal or prepositional phrase and a verb or its equivalent with the former to indicate the manner or attitude and the latter the purpose] 动[used with得or不, indicating capability or incapability] 动get; earn 来之不易 来 助[used as a syllable filler in ballads] 二月里来呀好春光。What a gorgeous spring in February! 来 助[used at the end of a sentence indicating a completed action, equivalent to来着] 你昨天干什么来?What did you ever do yesterday? 这话我什么时候说来?When did I ever say that? 助approximately; about; around [used after a round number or after a numeral plus a unit of measurement] 二十来年about 20 years; 20 years or so 七英尺来深about 7 feet deep 十来个人about 10 people 四十来岁about 40 years old 五里来地about five li (from here) 助[used after the numerals一,二,and三to list the points in an explanation or argument] 我这次到西安,一来是办点事,二来是看看朋友。I've come to Xi'an this time, first, to attend some business, and second, to see some friends. 来/下/杀一盘棋 来宾 来宾登记簿 来宾席 来不得 来不及 来朝 来潮 来到 来到现场 来得 来得及 来得巧 来得容易 来得容易去得快 来电 来电显示 来电显示电话机 来而不往非礼也 来犯 来访 来访不遇 来访未晤 来访者 来复 来复电路 来复枪 来复线 来稿 来归 来函 来航鸡 来鸿 来华讲学 来回 来回摆动 来回飞行 来回晃荡 来回来去 来回来去地说些车轱辘话 来回溜达 来回票 来回票价 来火 来件 来件组装 来今 来劲 来京进见总理 来客 来客人 来来回回跑好多趟 来来去去 来历 来历不明 来历不明的飞行物 来历复杂 来例假 来料 来料加工 来临 来龙去脉 来路 来路不正 来路货 来年 来钱 来去 来去匆匆 来人 来人儿 来日 来日方长 来神 来生 来生报恩 来使 来世 来事 来势 来势凶猛 来势汹汹 来势迅猛 来书 来苏 来岁 来头 来往 来往车辆 来往密切 来往信件 来往账目 来文 来无影,去无踪 来向 来项 来信 来样 来样加工 来一个180度的大转弯 来意 来由 来源 来月经 来着 来者 来者不拒 来者不善 来者不善,善者不来 来之不易 来兹 来自 来自边远村庄的教师 来自各方面的意见 来自官方的消息 来自国外 来自海外 来自教育、新闻、宗教等不同界别的代表 来自世界各地的侨胞 来自天南地北 来自田间 来自外界 来自五湖四海 来自学术界和业界的领军人物 来踪去迹 |
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