字词 | 披 |
释义 | 披 动drape over one's shoulder; wrap around one's upper body 披上节日的盛装be colourfully outfitted for a festival 披上衣服throw on one's clothes across one's shoulders 披着大衣have an overcoat draped over one's shoulders 披着斗篷wear a cloak 披着合法的外衣under the cloak of legitimacy; under a legitimate cover 披着头发with one's hair hanging loose 披着羊皮的狼a wolf in sheep's clothing 乡野披上了绿装。The countryside is greening up. 枫树在秋天披上了红装。Maples are brushed with crimson tints in autumn. 披红带绿披肩 动open; spread out; unroll; turn the pages of 披卷browse 披读披阅 动crack/split (open) 这个竹筒披了。The bamboo tube has split. 动hang down loosely; be unkempt/dishevelled 披散披头散发 披读 披发左衽 披风 披拂 披肝沥胆 披个大氅 披挂 披挂上阵 披红 披红戴花 披红戴绿 披怀 披枷带锁 披甲 披肩 披肩发 披肩领 披坚执锐 披巾 披荆斩棘 披卷 披览 披览群书 披沥 披沥陈词 披露 披露肝胆 披露秘闻 披露内情 披露情愫 披露商业秘密 披露实据 披露谈话内容 披露心曲 披露信息 披露真相 披麻戴孝 披麻救火 披毛犀 披靡 披散 披沙拣金 披厦 披上冬装的花园 披上节日的盛装 披上披肩 披上衣服 披上银色的月光 披水板 披剃 披头散发 披头士 披头士发式 披头士乐队 披屋 披星戴月 披阅 披阅文稿 披着大衣 披着斗篷 披着合法的外衣 披针形 披着头发 披着羊皮的狼 |
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